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buy urso As a Liberal White American Irish-Catholic Woman Pornography executive, if President Kennedy were alive TODAY in 2013, HE would not like what HE is seeing in America which differed greatly in 1963.? First off, President Kennedy would get mad at his daughter Caroline Kennedy for just being the first American Woman Ambassador to Japan where a Black Man beat her to become President of the United States in President Obama.? For many Kennedy admirers, President Kennedy was a RACIST GUY who only gave lip service to the American Civil Rights movement whereby it was the marches & demonstrations by Dr. Martin Luther King & many others forced Kennedy's hand.? In 1963, there was a bipolar world between the US & USSR divided into the Western Bloc & Eastern Bloc.? In 2013, WE live in a multipolar World with China asecending with India, Russia & Brazil all catching up both economically & politically which President Obama has to deal with.? In 1963, America was the premiere economic power in the world with a huge American Middle Class with 2 cars in the garage.? In 2013, America is in $17 Trillion Dollars in debt with many American's living from paycheck to paycheck.? For White American Irish-Catholic people like MY parents, what they remember about President Kennedy was the Good Economic Times & not the Social & Cultural Change which America was still a WHITE COUNTRY in 1963.