We were at school together
zenegra 100mg How do you know she "didn't know"? How do you know that her parents didn't tell her? How many has he arrested because they showed false identification? And at which point do you get off telling me I haven't contributed to society? Open your mouth without facts. Stand up for her. Then if it comes out that she knew, then you can stand that she is "good" when in fact she has arrested people for the same crime she committed. You commented #2 but you really don't know if she is lying. And to call me names? How do you know what I have and what I haven't contributed? Illegal people lie all day long and will buy a social security card just to get public benefits. How do you know she is telling the truth? How do you really know she didn't know? Your comments are not valid. Your name calling shows your true druggie side. Your nothing but a druggie who has the internet. Your only contribution to our society is the money you contribute to buy your weed. You don't donate to any charities. You couldn't buy your weed if you donated. That "next bag of weed" is all you contribute to. Your name says it all. I am guessing that you don't have a job, couldn't hold one for any length of time, and cry about how much society owes you. Yup, your a sad little bitch alright. We can all see that by your comments.