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trimox 500mg A number of patients on study received additional treatments with other agents following discontinuation of study treatment in accordance with the clinical practices of individual enrolling centres. Thirty of the 118 patients in the loco-regional group received at least one therapy with other agents after study therapy was discontinued. A greater number of patients in the control arm received post-discontinuation therapy versus the test arm. This imbalance created a "confounding," or distorting, effect on OS (Pazdur; The Oncologist 2008, 13:19-21), as such additional therapy can extend the patients' lifespan beyond that expected from receiving the study therapy. Eighty-eight loco-regional patients did not receive additional therapy and an analysis of these patients showed a median OS of 150 days (21.4 weeks) in the test arm (n=50) versus 115 days (16.4 weeks) in the control arm (n=38).